What's it all about?

What's it all about?

I love cooking, and more importantly, eating good food and I set up this blog to share my favourite recipes, links and ideas with my friends and family.

I am a home cook. Not a particularly distinguished or accomplished one, but someone who simply enjoys honest, fresh and delicious food. I don’t enjoy pretentious restaurants and 'over done' dishes- the kind that you are afraid touch to with your fork for fear of ruining them! And for this reason, every recipe you find here will be simple and open to interpretation. I also believe it’s important to put your own stamp on the food you make so please feel free to change things and substitute ingredients as you wish. Enjoy!

11 October 2010

Apple and almond cake

I booked a Friday off work a couple of weeks ago and finding myself at a loose end in the afternoon (a very rare event) I decided to make a cake. However, one was not enough and somehow it turned into a giant bake up! I made two loaves of bread, a cake and some of Nigella’s moonblush tomatoes (recipe to follow shortly!) It was a bit of a Pringles ‘once you pop you can’t stop’ kind of scenario! Nick was naturally delighted with the results and this cake was scoffed within a matter of hours.

Mum has been making apple and almond cake for as long as I can remember and its one of my favourites- not too sweet and satisfyingly dense and fruity. It’s a must have teatime accompaniment and a refreshing change to a regular sponge.

You can substitute the fruit as you see fit- for the one in the photo I used two ripe nectarines and added vanilla essence instead of almond essence- that was just what I had hanging around in the fruit bowl at the time and I couldn’t be bothered to go shopping for apples! It turned out just as delicious.

  • 2 large eggs
  • 5oz margarine
  • 8oz self raising flour
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • 3oz caster sugar
  • 12oz eating apples (not bramley cookers)- any kind you like, peeled, cored and sliced thinly into half moons
  • 1 tsp almond essence (you can get this from any supermarkets)
  • 2tbsp flaked almonds to decorate the top
  • A deep 8inch round cake tin- this cake cant be made in two shallow tins and sandwiched so do try and find a deep one.
  1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees C or gas mark 3, then grease and lightly flour the cake tin
  2. In a food processor or a big bowl beat together the sugar and margarine until pale and creamy.
  3. Beat in the eggs one at a time then fold in the flour, almond essence and baking powder.
  4. Pour half of the cake batter into the tin and scatter over the apple slices, then top with the remaining cake mix making sure all the apples are covered. This will look like there isn’t enough cake mix but be patient and spread it about a bit. It will rise and cover the apple properly in the oven.
  5. Scatter the almonds over the top and place in the oven. Bake for 1-1.5 hours. Checking periodically to make sure that the cake doesn’t burn. When you think its ready stick a knife into the centre- if it comes out clean its ready, if not pop it back into the oven for another ten mins.
  6. Turn the cake out on to a wire baking rack to cool and eat as and when you’re ready.

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